
What is Hacking?

Hacking is when people use computers to gain unauthorized data or resources in another system.

Why It's Bad

Hacking is bad for a variety of reasons. One reason is because hacking can allow people into your personal life by hacking into your social media or by hacking into webcams or smartphone cameras to stalk you. Hackers can also control your personal electronics like cars or thermostats as they are becoming more and more computerized, making it easier for them to have more control over these devices. Hackers can also access your accounts and do unauthorized things. Examples of this include them transferring money from your bank account to another, or posting something on your social media account.
But there is such thing as good hackers. These people are called "White Hats" and use their hacking skills to break into systems to inform companies or networks to point out weaknesses of flaws in the companies/networks security.

Hacking Terms

Within the world of hacking there are many terms, below I have listed the main terms hackers and media use when talking about hackers.

How People do it

-One way hacker can hack people is through a technique called a brute force attack. It is when hackers use simple algorithms which try every single password untill it finds the correct one.
-Another way some hackers gain passwords is through programs called log keystrokes. Hackers use these programs to see every keystroke a computer user makes and then gets sent a log of all the keystrokes. They can get these programs onto other people computers from things like trogan horses.
-Hackers also use phishing pages where it appears to be a login page to a website but its really a fake website that is created by hackers. They then are sent the login information people put on these websites and use it to hack into their account.
-Viruses and RATs (Remote Adminitsration Tool) can also be used by hackers to connect to your PC without your knowledge, and be used to access your files or see what is on your screen.

What the Government Does to Prevent it

There are several laws within the criminal code of Canada which make it illegal for people to hack, and make the internet a much safer place for all Canadians. These laws inclue;

These laws are made in hopes to try and stop criminals from using hacking as a way to obtain information that isn't theirs. And are also in place so that if someone does use hacking to commit crimes, can be punished by the Candian judicial system.

What You Can do to Prevent it

Here are a few helpful hints which can help you to not get hacked;

  1. Always update your software and applications when new updates come out as they are made to remove weaknesses or bugs which hackers can use to hack into your accounts.
  2. Never tell anyone your passwords as they could tell others or use the passwords to get into your account and access your information
  3. Constantly change your password so nobody can secretly be watching what you are doing.
  4. Have different passwords for each account. This makes it so if a hacker gets one password they won't have access to other accounts.
  5. Only use secured wireless networks and have stong passwords on your wireless connections at home. This ensures no one can hack into unsecured wireless networks you are connected to and use them to get into your device.
  6. Only download things you know are safe as hackers can hide viruses which can help them hack you. You can also install Anti-virus programs like McAfee which protect against these viruses.

If you continuously do these simple steps you can substantially improve your chances of not getting hacked.

Security Updates

Security updates stop hackers by updating vulnerabilities in firewalls. The reason there is a constant need for security updates is because hackers are always coming up with new viruses or ways to hack into firewalls that aren't yet protected. Each new security update takes these weaknesses in the firewall and updates them to be resistant to these newly developed programs or techniques.
Security updates are usualy always free and are highly suggested as without them, you are prone to be hacked as you are a very easy target due to weaknesses in your firewall.

Works Cited
